Woodzy is a 24 year old rapper/spoken word artist from Surrey in the UK. Woodzy has always been creative in his writing from an early age writing poems and songs, Performing has always been a massive part of his life, from studying at the Brit School to then go on to creating his first album "Touch Wood" to being on Tim Westwood Tv, having videos on music channels and performing at festivals around the UK.
In recent times, Woodzy has also found spoken word as a great platform to be able to express his views and a different yet unique way to use his creativeness with his flow and word play. Spoken word has become another avenue on his creative journey. He likes to talk about things that people think on a daily basis but don't necessarily say out loud.
His poem 90s baby has gone crazy on the internet hitting over 700,000 views and still climbing!
He is currently working on a new project titled "Happy Place" which will be available early 2019.